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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Bitcoin cash may be a house of cards that comes crashing down

Bitcoin cash may be a house of cards that comes crashing down

To recap, on Tuesday, bitcoin split in two following a years-long battle in the community over the rules that should guide the cryptocurrency's network.

That split resulted in the creation of a new cryptocurrency, bitcoin cash, which has the same basic underpinnings, but plays by different rules. In essence, it's almost like bitcoin cash is a copy of bitcoin, but it's built to process more transactions and faster.

Following the fork, bitcoin investors who had their holdings in certain wallets and on certain exchanges now have just as much bitcoin cash as they do bitcoin. But only folks on exchanges are able to actively trade it.

The 95% of bitcoin cash holders who have their bitcoin cash in a private wallet, according to Aaron Lasher, the chief marketing officer of Breadwallet, can't do anything with it.

Full story at

Source: Business Insider Nordic

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