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Monday, August 7, 2017

Blockchain Data Reveals Someone Is Trying to Slow Down Bitcoin Cash

Blockchain Data Reveals Someone Is Trying to Slow Down Bitcoin Cash

At the time of writing the BCH network hashrate is roughly around 300PH/s with blocks occurring roughly every 1-2 hours and some with longer intervals. Currently, there seems to be four pools working on the BCH chain and the largest of them is unknown. Another pool which has joined in on mining BCH blocks is a pool known as, and the group is known for publishing pretty interesting coinbase messages. Suprnova also mines many other digital currencies like Zcash and is only pointing very little hashrate towards the BCH network. At press time Suprnova has only 0.25 PH/s and eighteen workers dedicated to BCH.

The first BCH block took approximately five hours to complete and was followed by a block with a 12-hour interval in between it as well. On August 1 the BCH chain started with the same difficulty as BTC’s and the associated token was only worth $600-700 at that time. That means – unless resources like electricity are completely free – mining the BCH chain at that time was not profitable. At BTC’s difficulty, BCH would have needed to be around $2100 to be profitable.

Full story at

Source: Bitcoin News

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