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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

How You Can Help Stop The Ivory Trade

How You Can Help Stop The Ivory Trade

It’s fair to say that most of us know that ivory comes from elephant tusks. But, even today, not everyone knows or appreciates that to get the ivory the elephant dies in a horrific way. Each year, at least 20,000 elephants are cruelly slaughtered just for their tusks, just so someone can own a little bit of ivory.

Here in the UK, the situation that many people find themselves in is that they may be an unwilling ivory owner. They may have a bit of dead elephant on their mantelpiece, maybe a bit of dead elephant in their jewellery box, maybe a bit of dead elephant in their hallway. And, maybe, they don’t want it - they didn’t buy it, or they bought it before they knew the true cause and effect of buying ivory. But now they’re stuck with it - they don’t want to sell it as they don’t want to contribute to the trade or maybe because it was handed down to them and has some sentimental value, and after all, you can’t really just throw ivory in the bin. And, you know what? That’s completely fine.

But now the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is helping resolve that very issue. IFAW has just launched a public ivory surrender, where members of the public keen to help protect elephants from further slaughter are being invited to surrender ivory that they own. Then IFAW will ensure it is professionally destroyed and taken out of circulation on their behalf. No longer will that ivory be able to be used to prop up the illegal market, no longer will it be at risk of being exported to fuel demand in Asia, no longer will it have a value, propping up the very false notion that ivory not attached to a magnificent elephant has any value whatsoever.

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